Celiac Education in Restaurants: Okra

We conducted our second Celiac Safety in Restaurants talk at Okra, a restaurant located within Karachi. We talked with the owner, Ayaz Khan, and the staff of Okra about the increasing relevance of considering dietary restrictions in the restaurant industry, and how the popularity of gluten-free diets are on the rise. We also covered cross-contamination and food labelling, followed by an in-depth discussion about how their menus and kitchen practices can be modified to better accommodate people with Celiac disease.

Talking to the staff at Okra was an enriching experience, and we were surprised to learn about the amount of people who prefer gluten-free dishes in restaurants.

Thank you, Okra, for letting us come and talk about Celiac safety in restaurants!

Group picture with Okra owner, Ayaz Khan, and staff.


Karachi Restaurant Guide


Celiac Education in Restaurants: Restaurant Visits